Building a Multicloud Environment

neuCentrIX - 09/11/2022 10:00

With the continuous growth of cloud computing, people and companies have started to rely on multiple cloud service providers. Research shows that over 76% of all major tech companies have deployed multi-cloud and hybrid tech strategies by 2022. This enables them to get the best cloud service to serve a specific purpose.

Multi-cloud strategies have proven to have many benefits and enable companies to run more efficiently. This article tells you more about multi-cloud, why you should adopt it, and how companies can set up these strategies.

What Is a Multi-Cloud Environment? 
A multi-cloud environment is one where multiple cloud providers are using a single application. It can be used to increase the availability and reliability of the system. This is done by reducing dependency on a single provider, thus making it easier for the system to recover from a failure at any time. The three essential building blocks of this enterprise cloud are Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS).

What Is a Multi-Cloud Strategy?
A multi-cloud strategy uses many cloud service providers to host, manage, and deliver IT systems operations. The ultimate objective is for vendors to perform to their capabilities. For example, a corporation may discover that one cloud provider is better suited for physical hardware computation, another is exceptionally equipped for cloud-based data storage, and another is more suited for Artificial Intelligence (AI). For many businesses, using several clouds to accommodate diverse tasks has emerged as the best strategy.

Why Adopt a Multi-Cloud Strategy?
Multi-cloud strategies seem to be the game changer in terms of cloud-based operations. This is because of their many benefits and how they make workflows more efficient. Here are some of the reasons to adopt multi-cloud strategies :

● It improves productivity by allowing you to use the top cloud resource vendor available.
● It enables you to work with different providers, thus improving flexibility.
● It cuts the cost of moving tasks on different applications.
● Since you are not tied to only one provider, it helps avoid vendor lock-in.
● It improves the recovery of data and enhances the response time for any arising issues.

Neucloud Offers a Multi-Cloud Option
neuCentrIX is the leading data center in Indonesia, offering unmatched multi-cloud services. They have their neucloud services, which enables you to get different cloud options from other vendors to help you have the best flexibility, customization, and ultra-scalability.

How to Set Up a Multi-Cloud Strategy
Because many companies get into a multi-cloud environment without knowing, it is hard for them to create a realistic strategy. However, you can follow these steps to set up your multi-cloud strategy :
1. Define the goals of your company and how you intend to use the cloud service you wish for.
2. Undertake deep research on the vendor and get to know their service terms and whether they align with your goals.
3. Plan for resilience and look for favorable alternatives for the service
4. Map out the usage and growth path of the multi-cloud service you wish to use.

Multi-cloud strategies are helping companies achieve their goals and cut the cost of operations. A good strategy helps companies get more workflow and better services from top cloud providers. Neucloud by neuCentrIX offers you the most flexible and adaptable multi-cloud options for more company scalability and growth. Visit our page to check out our cloud solution.